Super Hero

America Chavez Origin in Bangla

"Take it down a gear. No shame in being afraid. Being brave isn't the same thing as not being scared." - America C…

Batman Beyond Origin in Bangla

Every time I put on that suit, it’s my chance to help people who are in trouble. I guess on a personal level, it’s my chance to …

Black Knight Origin in Bangla

"As long as the Black Blade blazes darkly in my hand, I must fight on... No matter what the cost!"   - Black Knight (D…

Commander Steel Origin in Bangla

"---because it won't be Hank Heywood fighting his own private war against the Fifth Columnists and Saboteurs: It'll…

Beast Boy Origin in Bangla

"No one gets it, do they? Everyone assumes I'm unhappy because I haven't been "normal" since I was a kid.…

Cyclops Origin in Bangla

"Listen to me... You can't kill an idea. It always comes back. Resurrected. Or reborn... into a different …

Iron Fist Origin in Bangla

"A man fights with his mouth when his fists are lacking." — Iron Fist K'un-Lun একটি শহর যা অন্য Dimensi…

U.S. Agent Orgin in Bangla

"I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing -- being the guy who makes sure all the super-crooks and monsters ar…

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