Peacemaker (2022)
Genre: Superhero, Action, Adventure, Comedy
Created By: James Gunn
Season: 01 (Renewed for second season)
Steaming Service: HBO Max
Episodes: 08
IMDB: 8.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 95%
Trakt: 81%
Personal Rating: 8.5/10
One sentence review would be "Perfect Show with a Perfect Ending".
Peacemaker what a joke!
Its fun, goofy, full of entertainment. It was out of box for DC like Suicide Squad. It breaks the so called typical genre of "DARK DC" and made a colorful world on its own. John Cena plays one of the most unlikeable human beings you can imagine (racist, patriotic, dumb, douchy, listens to cheesy 80s hardrock), but you’ll still like him because he’s so unpredictable and interesting. Damn! He is a good actor; better than THE ROCK ( well wait for Black Adam too, lets see what have he got ). Despite being the Protagonist of the show, John Cena isn't the only main character; every other supporting character performed deliberately. That unwanted sidekick stole the show! Clearly Vigilante deserve his own content.
Everyone acted their best, story was well-built, character buildup was top notch. Everything got synced on their own. Pretty much every joke fits in and goes with the flow. There is some unexpected turns and twist all over. There is some cool shots with camera and VFX was pretty cool! I liked how they make Peacemaker grow up all along and make him relatable to everyone. I liked even in last episode there was a character buildup moment for Economos. And also, I love the relationship between Emilia and Chris. There were no adultery, no seducing intimate scene between them not a single kiss; yet the romance still lives in their!
Yet the show have some flaws too. LGBTQ was brutally forced, some jokes gone corny. Needed some exploration on White Dragon and Vigillante too.
Nevertheless the show gave some good entertainment. Last minute cameo was awesome. It have a perfect ending which recent MCU shows doesn't have :3 Also I am looking for those DC Fans who had problem with James Gunn for his jokes and always made fun of GOTG ~.~ Well, good content gives good entertainment. Need some more like this! Last but not least, James Gunn's music selection always melt me. I WANT HIS PLAYLIST!
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